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Kansas Tourism Travel Talk

Travel Talk is the monthly voice from the Kansas Tourism office. Stay up to date on news, events, initiatives, ways to get involved and much more.  If you are in our database you should automatically be receiving this e-newsletter, if not, please reach out to Kelli Orender.

Check out the current issue here, as well as the archive of past editions.

Kansas Tourism Travel Talk Lite

Travel Talk Lite is the weekly voice from the Kansas Tourism office.  Get the latest updates and much more.  If you are in our database you should automatically be receiving this e-newsletter, if not, please reach out to Kelli Orender.

Check out the current issue here, as well as the archive of past editions.

Kansas Tourism Industry Facebook Group

Become a member of our industry Facebook page to stay up to the minute on happenings and insights about Kansas Tourism.  Click here to join.


Kelli Headshot

Kelli Orender Industry Relations Manager