Kansas Tourism manages two state travel information centers (TIC). The Goodland TIC is located at I-70 East Milepost 7. The Belle Plaine TIC is located on the turnpike 10 miles south of Wichita.

The TICs are open year-round except on New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.


Both: May 15 through September 15 - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Belle Plaine: September 5 through May 14 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

Goodland: September 16 through May 14 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 


Kansas has implemented a Community Travel Information Center Program (C-TIC). You may view a list of current C-TICs here: community-owned centers.

Guidelines and Applications

To become a C-TIC, review the guidelines and application.

Please contact Mona Carver if you have questions or would like further information about the State Travel Information Centers, TIC marketing opportunities, or the C-TIC program.

  • TIC staff greet over 200,000 visitors annually and assist the visitor with travel directions, road conditions, and lodging reservations. Computers are available for visitors to access  Tourism communities, attractions, and visitor services are promoted at the TICs. Using printed promotional materials, backlit, and community showcase and refreshment host activities, the staff will engage the visitor in conversation to encourage them to extend their travel days in Kansas. 

    Over 400 tourism travel guides, brochures, and rack cards are approved for distribution through our state-managed TICs. We have eight backlit spots at the Goodland TIC and 11 backlit spots at the Belle Plaine TIC. The backlit provides additional exposure for communities that participate in the program. Both TICs promote individual communities through our Community Showcase Program. The Goodland TIC provides an additional marketing opportunity through the Refreshment Host Program. 

    You may access information and enroll in these programs here:

  • Belle Plaine Travel Information Center
    Christy Scott - Supervisor
    Address: 770 N. I-35
    Belle Plaine, KS 67013-8293
    Phone: (620) 326-5123

    Located on I-35 Kansas Turnpike Milepost 26; Accessible from both northbound and southbound lanes

    *All brochure deliveries to the Belle Plaine TIC must be made through UPS or FEDX only.  The USPS does not deliver to the Belle Plaine TIC location.

    **If you must use USPS, contact Christy Scott directly for details. 

  • Goodland Travel Information Center
    Mona Carver - Supervisor
    Address: 722 I-70 East Milepost #7 , PO Box 618
    Goodland, KS 67735-0618
    Ph: (785) 899-6695

    Located on I-70 at Milepost 7; Accessible from eastbound lanes only

  • Contact

    Mona Headshot

    Mona Carver Travel Information Centers Manager